sip and see party----
---A couple dozen men and women popping in and out, snacking on sandwiches and sipping beer and wine. But something besides pita and pulled chicken was being passed around during Jackie Scott's get-together last fall: Her 2-week-old daughter, Ella, the star of the party... Known as meet-the-baby bashes, welcome-to-the-world parties or sip-and-sees — as in, sip some Champagne, see what the stork brought — this newfangled way of celebrating a new arrival is just one example of how the traditional, ladies-and-onesies baby shower is getting a makeover. ...There are coed "pregnancy parties" that take place in dark hipster bars. There are necessities-only "sprinkles" (vs. showers) in which parents-to-be request diapers and wipes as opposed to rompers and rattles. There are "favorite book-showers" that have guests springing for copies of Goodnight Moon. And there are casual Sunday afternoon barbecues with the expectant mom as guest of honor.