The Police Disrupted the Major Bomb Plot in UK

The police arrested 12 men early today sunrise who were supposedly in the final stage of a major bomb plot.
map of england

The plot was purportedly directed at targets inside the England. The men were arrested after weeks of observation by law enforcement and MI5 in raid in London, Cardiff, Birmingham and Stoke-on-Trent. The men are between 17 and 28 years old and are mostly British citizens from Bangladeshi background.
The arrests were totally essential to keep the public safe," said a police officer. He also remind people to remain attentive due to a large number of horror threats that officials are currently monitor.
The establishment did not say the attacks were intentionally planned for the holidays, though the 

U.K. is at its second-highest stage of terror alert, "harsh," which means an attacked is believed to be likely, and last week U.S. establishment sent a message to local law enforcement countrywide warning of probable attacks during the Christmas season because of their psychological impact.


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