Ellen Weiss Resign

A senior executive at NPR has resigned in the wake of an external review which expressed concern over the network’s handling of the Juan Williams firing, though it concluded that the dismissal had been legally sound. In addition, NPR’s board voted to strip CEO Vivian Schiller of her bonus for 2010. The resignation of Ellen Weiss, NPR’s senior vice president for news and the woman who personally handled Williams’ firing–which occurred in the wake of the former NPR analyst’s comments about Muslims on Fox News–was announced at the same time as the findings of the review. Weiss had worked at NPR since 1982.
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Sorry NPR, too little too late, it is defunding time! Ellen Weiss, who is the NPR official who fired Juan Williams over the phone for his Muslim garb comment, resigned today senior vice president for news. The other NPR hack, CEO Vivian Schiller somehow managed to keep her job, even after claiming that Juan Williams needed to see his psychiatrist or publicist after the firing. The slap on the wrist Schiller got, was simply losing her 2010 bonus.


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